Privacy policy

Mathematical Biology in Gothenburg is a platform including modellers with mathematical tools who are applying these on biological processes. As a coordinator of this platform I would like to collect some information of you in our database. The reason of doing so is to make interdisciplinary projects easier to initiate, and also to display the various groups and individuals working with mathematical models relating to biological questions here in Gothenburg.

We would like to collect your name, mail-address, affiliation, your home-page, and your list of publications at CPL or GUP depending if the person is employed at Chalmers or at the University of Gothenburg. The use of this publication lists will be twofold, one is to get the keywords associated to you as a researcher, and the other is to find collaborations of two researchers having a common publication. We would also like you to add more keywords of both your mathematical tools and your biological interests including the organisms you have studied. You will also be given a password so you can update and change your data and keywords. Some of this data will be displayed at the web page:, but the database itself will be kept within the Mathematical Biology platform.

Furthermore, according to the Swedish 26 § personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) you are given the right to, free of charge, once every year, after a written request to us, get informaton on what personal data we have on you and how we are handeling it. You also have the right (28 § personuppgiftslagen) to ask for corrections concerning your personal data.

Torbjörn Lundh

Mathematical biology
Chalmers and University of Gothenburg
Mathematical Sciences
412 96 Gothenburg
031 772 3503